High school CEP instructors

CEP Instructor resources



New instructor application

Are you interested in applying to teach for M State's Concurrent Enrollment Program? Each applicant is considered independently, 但至少有硕士学位,在你想教的特定领域有18个研究生学分是首选. If you do not currently meet the minimum qualifications, please include your plan to meet this expectation by September 1, 2025.

Click here to start your Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Application.

What you need to complete this online application:

  • Resume
  • 简述你为什么对教学同步课程感兴趣以及你的资格. Highlight your education, 特殊的专业知识和其他相关经验使你成为教授大学水平课程的合适人选.
  • The courses, or discipline you would like to teach
  • Letter of recommendation from your high school principal
  • Graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the application, but if you are approved we will need official transcripts on file)

What's next?

  • Your application will be reviewed by the CEP program director. You will be contacted as soon as possible once a decision is made, but the review process may take five to 15 business days.
  • If you are approved, you will be assigned a faculty mentor who will help you start preparing for your class. 确保与你的高中校长和辅导员沟通你打算教什么课程,这样他们就可以帮助学生进行考试和注册.
  • 访问并行高中教师网页的教学大纲的发展和其他形式, tools and information.
  • Create a profile in the Minnesota State system Application. You will receive a welcome email with a link, or you can follow the instructions here.

If you don't have enough graduate credits in-field to apply, but would like to explore some options, here is a resource to explore: Minnesota State system Concurrent Enrollment Credentialing Pathways


Teacher/mentor meetings and observations

For a new course or new instructor six meetings are required. 在学期开始之前,导师和高中教师(包括新教师培训)之间必须至少举行一次计划会议. At least two in-person classroom observations will occur and one follow-up meeting. Mentors will record their observations and recommendations, which are submitted and reviewed by CEP program director.

Repeat course offerings with the same instructor are required to have three meetings. At least one of these meetings will be a classroom observation.


Instructor/mentor meeting and observation topics

Classroom observation topics may include:

  • Clarity of the lesson objectives
  • Organization of the presentation
  • Communication of subject matter
  • Demonstration of concept or principles examples
  • The monitoring of student learning and adjusting instruction appropriately
  • Receptiveness to students views and responses
  • Answering student questions clearly and positively
  • Summarization of key points
  • Definition of terms and background information given when necessary
  • Student engagement and/or involvement in classroom activities
  • The methodology used to assess student learning

New instructor course-specific training

For new CEP instructors or a new CEP course, 在课程开始之前,教师导师和高中教师之间至少会有一次计划会议. 本次会议将包括一个全面的新教员培训和入职培训,具体的培训主题包括, but not limited to:

  • Syllabus development
  • Course curriculum
  • Course outcomes
  • Assessment criteria
  • Grading and rigor
  • Pedagogy
  • Course philosophy and theory
  • Textbook/materials options/requirements
  • Concurrent Enrollment Handbook
  • Administrative responsibilities
  • Mentor/Mentee roles and responsibilities 
  • Programmatic and institutional policy and procedures
  • Annual professional development (CE Day)

High school instructor responsibilities

High school teachers will:

  • 与指定的教师导师合作,创建符合大发彩票平台CEP教学大纲要求的教学大纲, for every course taught. 一个样本教学大纲和教学大纲模板和清单与这些要求是可用的 distance.heparrest.net/instructor.
  • 教师将在课程开始时将批准的教学大纲分发给学生. 我们鼓励教师让学生在教学大纲上签名,以进一步确保学生已经阅读并理解他们的责任.
  • Instructors are required to meet, or exceed, the competencies listed in the course outline and assess for those competencies. Individual lessons, models, 方法和教学方法由个别教师与导师协商确定. Course outlines and competencies can be found here.
  • 与他们的导师一起选择一本反映当前与学科相关信息的教科书. The high school is responsible for the purchasing of course textbooks.
  • 与指定的教师导师合作,选择一本反映与学科相关的当前信息的教科书. The high school is responsible for the purchasing of course textbooks.
  • Meet with M State faculty mentor:

    对于新教师或新课程,需要四次会议和两次课程观察. 在学期开始之前,导师和高中教师之间必须至少举行一次计划会议. The planning meeting includes CEP New Instructor Training and Orientation. 其余的会议可以与课程观察同时进行,或者在学期结束时进行. Mentors will record their observations and recommendations, which are submitted and reviewed by the CEP program director. 

    Repeat course offerings with the same instructor are required to have three meetings. At least one of these meetings will be a classroom observation. 
  • Attend annual professional development (Concurrent Enrollment Day). 年度专业发展和持续的学院互动是NACEP认证的要求,它有助于进一步提高教师的教学方法和学科知识的广度.
  • Respond to communications from faculty mentors and CEP staff in a timely manner.
  • 在课程开始时复习班级列表,并与指定的高中联系人沟通任何和所有的变化.
  • Submit grades by the deadline at the end of the term.
  • Stay in compliance with FERPA.
  • 参与M State的同步招生电子调查(发送给学生的课程结束调查和发送给教师的课程反馈调查).
  • 通过提交教师延长休假表来沟通延长休假日期和保险计划.

Non-Compliance with Instructor Responsibilities

Course and Program Integrity

所有兼职教师都应遵守大发彩票平台CEP讲师的职责. The course competencies, 学术上的严谨性和期望必须与大学里教授的传统课程相一致. 如果导师对同时授课的教员是否遵守课程内容有顾虑, academic rigor, grading or other instructor responsibilities, they will notify the CEP program director.

Actions that may be taken if a concurrent instructor is not in compliance:

  • 导师将记录任何问题,并将调查结果提交给CEP项目主管进行审查.
  • Based on the outcome of the review, the high school administration may be contacted.
  • A meeting may be scheduled for the concurrent instructor, mentor, 高中行政部门和CEP项目主任讨论情况并制定合规计划.
  • 如果各方不能达成一致的计划,或者如果教练没有采取行动来遵守, 课程可能会被取消,讲师可能会失去CEP的教学许可.
Annual Professional Development

为了符合NACEP,所有M州的同步招生教师都必须参加年度专业发展. CEP员工维护高中教师的年度专业发展出勤记录,并将联系发现不合规的教师.

如果一名兼职讲师连续多年错过年度专业发展日, the following will occur:

  • 1 year absence - The instructor must notify CEP staff of their absence.
  • 缺课2年-该讲师可能作为兼职讲师进行见习.
  • 缺课3年——教师有可能失去与大发彩票平台同时授课的资格.

在特殊情况下,教员不能参加同步注册日, 可以安排一对一的专业发展与教师导师(见并行手册). Prior approval is required by program director.