Satisfactory Academic Progress

Reach your degree completion goal.
Keep your success story on track.

2022 graduation, President Brimhall speaks to graduates
M State wants you to be successful!

Finishing your degree in a reasonable time, with acceptable grades, is known in the academic world as satisfactory academic progress, 或SAP.

如果你的平均绩点(GPA)下降了,或者没有达到你的期望, 或者你在完成学位的过程中没有取得你想要的进步, reach out to us for support. We have resources that can help, including: 学术顾问, 辅导员老师, 社会工作者 和 导师.


我们的 SAP Requirements

Like other colleges, M State has SAP策略 that outlines students' rights 和 responsibilities. 该政策要求修满24学分或以上的学生保持2分.0 or higher cumulative GPA 和 complete at least 66.66% of their registered credits. Students taking 6-23 credits are expected to maintain at least a 1.75 GPA 和 complete a minimum of 58% of their registered credits.

每个注册的M州立学生在每个学期(秋季)后都会收到SAP审查, spring 和 summer). 符合SAP标准的学生有望完成他们的学位. Students who aren’t meeting the st和ards are sent notification letters, via their M State email accounts, after final grades are posted for the term.

There are two types of notifications:



在学期结束时未达到学院最低SAP标准的学生将被置于一个学期的学术警告, not including summer.

Students in warning status are still eligible to register for classes 和 receive financial aid. 

At the end of the term, 学生要么恢复良好的学术成绩,要么被停职.

Academic Suspension


Students on Academic Suspension are not eligible to register for classes or receive financial aid. Suspensions last for one semester, not including summer.

被休学的学生可就其休学提出上诉(有关上诉的更多信息,请参阅下文). 那些不上诉或上诉不成功的学生在停学期间无法注册课程或获得经济援助.

选择休学的学生可以在休学期结束后返回大发彩票平台, 但需要提交上诉才有资格获得进一步的经济援助.


Appealing a Suspension


An approved appeal results in a student's placement into Probation status. 留校察看可以恢复学生注册班级和获得经济援助的资格 (但是,SAP申诉审核小组可能会限制见习学生注册的学分数量).

If the appeal is unsuccessful, 一个学期的休学期之后,学生将无法注册课程或在此期间获得经济资助. 

At the end of the suspension period, 寻求返校的学生必须申请恢复潜在的经济援助.


SAP Appeal Deadlines

SAP申诉的截止日期总是在学期开始前一周的周五结束. If that day happens to be a campus holiday, then the deadline is at noon on the following business day.

SAP Appeals that are incomplete will not receive full consideration. 鼓励学生在截止日期之前提交他们的SAP申诉.

Upcoming SAP Appeal deadlines:

Summer 2023: May 26, 2023
Fall 2023: August 11, 2023
Spring 2024: December 29, 2024

SAP Appeal Requirements


  • 一份下学期的学术计划,列明课程名称、编号和学分.e. ENGL 1101, 3 credits).
  • Documentation that supports the appeal statement. 
  • 必须在适当的截止日期之前提交(请参阅上面的“SAP上诉截止日期”)。. 在一个学期截止日期之后提交的上诉可能会在未来的一个学期中被考虑.
Get 帮助 Writing Your Appeal
Submit Your Appeal

The online SAP Appeal form can be found 和 submitted at www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms 在“休学上诉(学业进展满意/SAP)”的“上诉”标签下."

If Your Appeal is Approved

An approved appeal results in a student's placement into Probation status. 留校察看可以恢复学生注册班级和获得经济援助的资格.


处于见习状态的学生,如果满足其学术计划的条件,但不符合SAP标准,则可以继续见习一个学期. 那些不符合学术计划条件或SAP标准的学生将在评估期结束后立即被重新暂停.

Read the full M State SAP Policy.

If Your Appeal is Denied


Those students may return to school at the end of the suspension period, but must submit an appeal for potential financial aid reinstatement.

Read the full M State SAP Policy.

Reinstatement to M State




Additional 帮助ful Information


Second Suspensions

Appeals for a second suspension are more difficult. Students must be very clear about the extenuating circumstances that caused them to not make progress while on Probation. All necessary documentation must be provided with the submitted appeal, 学生不仅要陈述并包括他们目前的学业成功计划,还要包括他们在之前的申请中承诺过的任何事情.

Maximum Time Frame Suspension 和 Appeals

To be eligible for financial aid, 学生必须满足与完成课程的最长时间框架相关的SAP标准. The maximum time frame is the total number of credits, including transfer credits, that a student may attempt while remaining eligible for financial aid. 最长时间为已公布学位长度的150%,以学分计算.e. 90 credits attempted is 150% of a 60-credit degree).

收到最长休学期限的学生,如果想要获得经济援助,必须提交最长休学期限申诉, 上发现的 我们的表单页面 under the Financial 援助 drop-down. 

如果学生在最长时间框架申诉过程中需要帮助,我们的 academic advising team is a great resource.

Finding Your Grades 在线
  • 登录SpartanNet,选择屏幕左侧的“E-Services”选项卡.
  • Select the “Academic Records” option on the left side of the screen.
  • 选择“非官方成绩单”查看您的整个大发彩票平台学习记录(我们建议按时间顺序查看您的记录).
  • 完成后登出以保持记录的私密性,特别是使用共享或公共计算机时.

使用我们的 GPA计算器 工具来衡量你的进步,确定你的时间表和计划你的财务. 你的GPA是你获得的总学分除以你尝试过的总学时. Your GPA will range from 0.0 to 4.0

GPA计算器允许您输入课程的学分和成绩,以确定您的预计GPA. Note: M State does not use plus (+) or minus (-) grades.



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