Child and Adolescent Therapeutic Behavioral Health

Become certified to provide supervised behavioral health care, including therapeutic and rehabilitative care, to children and adolescents.

M State was the first college in Minnesota to offer a Child and Adolescent Therapeutic Behavioral Health certificate program. Graduates of this online program can work under the supervision of psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals to provide therapeutic and rehabilitative care to children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional disturbances.

What this certificate can do for you:

  • Provide opportunities for relevant hands-on work experiences while you complete your bachelor's degree.
  • Increase marketability or offer career advancement opportunities within the fields of mental health, 教育, health care or other related fields.
  • Function as a specialization certificate if you're seeking entry-level employment with agencies that provide children's therapeutic services and supports (CTSS).
  • Serve as an alternative to the requirement that a Mental Health Behavioral 援助e (MHBA) II hold an associate or bachelor's degree or have 4,000 hours of experience in delivering clinical services in the treatment of mental illnesses concerning children or adolescents.

This 17-credit certificate can be completed as part of the Psychology Transfer Pathway program.

Employment opportunities can be found with providers of mental health services, including private practices, community clinics, Rule 29 clinics, non- and for-profit organizations, county agencies, hospitals and schools.

Here is what you'll learn

  • Theories and influences on physical, 认知, social and emotional development that occur throughout childhood and adolescence.
  • Diagnosis and treatment for psychological disorders from different perspectives.
  • Strategies in therapeutic communication and crisis management skills.
  • Data practices and privacy issues for families and children with behavioral disorders.
  • Principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis (ABA) used for understanding and managing behavior and the environment.
  • Experiences and challenges of varied cultures in the U.S., including societal attitudes toward mental illness.


Rhonda Swanson

Rhonda Swanson

Child and Adolescent Therapeutic Behavioral Health
Nursing Programs

I have always had an interest in adolescents with mental health disorders. As I was waiting to get into the nursing program at M State, I thought this would be a great opportunity to learn more about mental health.

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